Increasing Cases of Attack on Press Freedom In Africa Worries AMDF

The Africa Media Development Foundation says it has noted with concern that many African leaders are working hard to muzzle the press and stifle freedom of expression.
The Executive Director of AMDF, Iliya Kure stated this on Wednesday in an address of welcome at the opening of Africa Conference On Development Journalism held via Zoom and live streamed on Facebook page.
” We task journalists to continue their work professionally and never bow down to pressure. We stand with African journalists who are being attacked, imprisoned, or killed, because of their professional role of holding people accountable, especially leaders.
“Journalism exists to promote freedom of speech – in AMDF we believe, absence of press freedom and free speech, is absence of every form of God given freedom. We implore any leader in Africa that has problem with any journalism report, not to abuse power, by using agents to terrorise journalists, or media houses, but go to the court of law to legitimately seek justice – the courts are meant to ensure justice for all,” he advised.
Iliya Kure tasked Journalists to focus on stories that among others, give voice to the voiceless, monitor and evaluate public programmes and policies, follow-up on stories, to ensure that public pronouncements by officials are translated into actions.
All they have been seeing in African media, according to the AMDF Executive Director,  is greater attention to political leaders and markets, instead of issues that affects the common man.
 But as professional, he emphasised, development journalism is what they need at this time to move this continent ahead.
On the theme of the conference which is Emerging Technologies and Future of Development Journalism, Kure said no doubt they are witnessing the emergence of new technologies that are beginning to change the way things are done .
 One of these technologies to be discussed, he said, is the blockchain technology, which allows digital information to be recorded and distributed as well as a paper that will introduce participants to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
“AMDF thought it is time to give us a head start, to understand how these technologies work and how they will impact on the practice of journalism and use of other media, hence the theme. 
AMDF’s vision is that, Journalists who participate in this conference would be motivated to start writing stories that will lead to positive government policies, programmes and actions in favour of citizens.
“We also have a line of experts who will speak to us on digital policies and issues around digital governance, digital migration and emotional intelligence
We have others that will discuss on Data and how to mine our data, as well as independent journalism. All these is to will help us navigate through the waters. I urge us to closely follow all presentations and pay attention” he concludes.


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