Odumeje And The Native Doctors (1)

By Gabriel Agbo:

A very interesting drama is currently unfolding on the social media. It is an altercation between some pastors and some young native doctors (witch doctors). They are throwing all kinds of darts at themselves; from who is more powerful to healing the sick and to raising the dead. Wow! In fact, they want to go to the mortuary to start raising some dead people to show that they have power. Can you imagine that? First it wasIhewe ejeweme a young pastor in Enugu and a native doctor from Asaba known as Ofia afulu agu . I listened to both on Facbook. The young pastor from Enugu appears matured. I have also watched the operation when he went to Oji River, I think Inyi town to remove a coffin filled with charms. I commend him for the maturity he displayed in the place. He said that he would not ask the people to return back to sender, that it will be meaningless, because something led to what happened.  Then the youngdibia (witch doctor) of Asaba like his other colleagues is not taking these challenges lightly. He is daring the pastor from Enugu to come over and carry his deities or call down fire to destroy them, if he really has power. He promised to repent and become a member of his church if he succeeds but also warned that he will use the pastor for sacrifice if he fails. Jesus!


Then, just this morning I stumbled onto the recordings of the controversial Prophet Chukwuemeka Odumeje of Onitsha – Amambra State versus the group of native doctors. The witch doctors are very furious that this prophet takes every opportunity to deride them and whatever they represented. And interestingly all the witch doctors in the videos had their staffs in their hands as they voiced out their anger and warning against this young pastor.  In fact, one of them went right into the river, invoking curses and finally splashed his scepter on the water as a sign of sealing the decrees against Odumeje. My God! These actions have indeed gone beyond jokes. They are really angry. I just pray that my brothers are indeed genuine. You cannot battle such gang of enemies unless you are fully with Christ. In this clime, witch doctors and their transformed colleagues in the so-called churches are not just healers or problem solvers; they are also associates of the operators of the underworld. Some of them have been known to provide charms, bases and even arms to criminals andundesirables in the society. I mean if their charms cannot reach you, they may try other means. And thanks to the wonderful security we enjoy here now. It has never been so bad in this country.


Now, I know you will be waiting for my opinion on the spiritual battle since that is my area. Yes, I won’t disappoint you. I have words for both sides. First is that spiritual warfare is not as easy as they are portraying it to be. It is not for the kids or the careless. It is a serious business and can be fatal sometimes. Yes, fatal. And it is often successful when you talk less and stay prayerful. It is the battle of the gods and when the gods fight there is bound to be human casualties. God said that he will judge the Egyptians and all their gods and when he came down on that Passover night there were weeping and deaths in all the families (both men and beasts) in Egypt. Same at Mount Carmel, after the encounter, blood flowed freely from there. About 850 witchdoctors were slaughtered. So these young guys should understand what they are calling for. Though I know the battle must have been on spiritually before it was made public and it will sure rage higher since they represent different warring kingdoms. What we are seeing and hearing now is a result of what has been on in the spirit.


  Well, what I see now is just careless talk, youthful exuberance and rascality. Otherwise, there have been preachers and native doctors around before now, why were they not talking loosely like these? Tell me. Age and maturity are very important in all we do. You can fight and win spiritual battles without making noise. Jesus did it quietly, powerfully and strategically. Some people are waging institutional and even continental strategic spiritual warfare without the next person knowing about it. Do I need to shout with a native doctor before closing his business? Do I need to go to the mortuary to select a dead body to preach the gospel? Do I need to walk upon the water to prove that I am a man of God?? Tell me. An agent of Satan will know exactly how powerful my God is when he tries to obstruct my kingdom operations or harm me. Please, look out for the second part of this article. God


Rev Gabriel Agbo is of the Assemblies of God Nigeria and the author of the book Power of Midnight Prayer. Tel: 08037113283. E-mail: gabrielagbo@yahoo.com Website: www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo


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