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2.5 million Children For Polio Vaccination In Kaduna, Northwest Nigeria


About 2.5 milion children are expected to be vaccinated against polio in a four day Vaccination exercise which begins on April 13, 2019.

It will be conducted from house to house, streets, markets, motor parks among others.

A statement by the Kaduna State Coordinator, Journalists Initiative on Immunization Against Polio (JAP) Lawal -Dogara appealed to parents to ensure they make their children available for the vaccination.

The statement explained that during the exercise, parents with children less than 1 year will be referred to the nearest Health Centre for other. Routine Immunization with their immunization Card.

It explained that the vaccination would enable the children grow healthier, as such; parents should try and ensure they allowed the vaccinators to attend to their wards.

They are also reminded of the need to take their children to the nearest PHC for routine vaccines which are given free.

According to the statement, all adequate arrangements have been made for the smooth conduct of the exercise involving the state government, development partners and other stakeholders.

It said during the exercise, a lot of interventions including health camps would be provided.

The statement commended the World Health Organization for partnering with JAP with a view to educating the parents on the importance of Polio vaccination to eradicate Polio and other child killer diseases in Nigeria.

It appealed to traditional and religious leaders to as usual, educate their followers on the importance of polio vaccination with a view to achieving the desired results.


  1. […] About 2.5 milion children are expected to be vaccinated against polio in a four day Vaccination exercise which begins on April 13, 2019.It will be conducted from house to house, streets, markets, motor parks among others.A statement by the Kaduna State Coordinator, Journalists Initiative on Immunization Against Polio (JAP) Lawal -Dogara appealed to parents to ensure they make their children available for the vaccination.The statement explained that during the exercise, parents with children less than 1 year will be referred to the nearest Health Centre for other. Routine Immunization with their immunization Card.It explained that the vaccination would enable the children grow healthier, as such; parents should try and ensure they allowed the vaccinators to attend to their wards.They are also reminded of the need to take their children to the nearest PHC for routine vaccines which are given free.According to the statement, all adequate arrangements have been made for the smooth conduct of the exercise involving the state government, development partners and other stakeholders.It said during the exercise, a lot of interventions including health camps would be provided.The statement commended the World Health Organization for partnering with JAP with a view to educating the parents on the importance of Polio vaccination to eradicate Polio and other child killer diseases in Nigeria.It appealed to traditional and religious leaders to as usual, educate their followers on the importance of polio vaccination with a view to achieving the desired results. Posted by Joseph Edegbo on 14/04/2019. Filed under Health. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entrySOURCE […]

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