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South Africa Throws 2019 Budget To Public For Inputs


Finance Minister Tito Mboweni will deliver the 2019 Budget on 20 February and as per norm, the public has been invited to make inputs.

In a statement issued on Thursday, National Treasury said there would be, as usual, a balance that must be struck to give attention to competing priorities.

“It is in this context that Minister Mboweni invites South Africans to share their views about economic conditions and other issues they would like government to highlight in the Budget on the 20 February 2019,” National Treasury said.

In particular, the Minister would like public views on, among others:

How South Africa can achieve faster and more equitable?

What government can do differently in support of faster and more equitable growth?


Contributions can be sent through on:

Twitter: @TreasuryRSA with the hashtag #TipsForMinFin and #RSABudget2019

National Treasury website:www.treasury.gov.za

National Treasury

Media Statement: Local Government adopted Capital and Operating Expenditure budgets for the 2018/19 Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF)


 on the home page under the heading Budget Tips.


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