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When a Nonentity Takes to Notoriety: The Gangsterism of Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson T. Koijee

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By Alfred P. B. Kiadii & Moses Uneh Yahmia

A mad house with dullards and perverts scrambling for quick fortune in the face of a frontal assault on the living standards of the masses of the people, the erosion of the fundamental superstructure institutions, compounded by the wholesale defenestration of decent compatriots from the public sector and replacement by despicable CDC faithful, have been the modus operandi and modus vivendi of the wretched CDC government for the last months.
These gory anomalies echo a chilling foreshadowing of the disaster that lurks on the horizon, a downward ebb of governance, and the disruption and reversal of basic gains the homeland made over the years. All the symptoms of a dying administration in all of its manifestations have occurred with striking exactitude, making critical compatriots to conclude that Liberia is in the throes of a putrid crisis. This spells doom for the country and places it not on the cusp of the abyss but at its lowest rungs.
On closer examination of the tragic farce, although we have been treated to the hollow rhetoric of ‘this government will succeed’ from the rabid ‘dat our time boys’, such whipping of opportunistic demagoguery from fanatics run in stark opposite to the widespread anarchy and the scandalous bankruptcy that pervade governance.
Unlike the Weah administration that seems to be content with mediocrity and the spectacles of violence and intimidation,  during the reign of  EJS, at least with all its shortcomings and frailties, it operated within the framework of the bourgeois order—ran an effective civil servants, attracted Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) which come in to exploit the people and their resources and widen the gulf between the rich and poor and not necessarily to move the needle on poverty, the kleptocratic regime managed to maintain the balance of power in the society!
The aphorism that one cannot cure cancer with aspirin has thus being turned into its opposite, if we are to exclude the egregious fraud and awful irregularities that characterized the 2017 presidential election, and the role played by that Machiavellian gangster in Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf who, under the charade of the so-called presidential transition, rigged the election for her preferred candidate. One can thus posit that the election of George M. Weah is an attempt at curing cancer not with aspirin but with an expired paracetamol. This is even a more charitable characterization of his ascent considering he represents the throwback to that ugly past in Africa when leadership was the exclusive preserve and monopoly of the most incompetent yokels.
This downward historical drift of the homeland has witnessed the rise of certain dullards to positions of prominence. We are thus constrained to deal with them and expose their escapades with the aim of taking the halo from their grotesque perversions. These dwarfs who want to play giant on the historical stage by distilling violence and forming an amalgam of docile pawns and toddlers to do their bidding ought to be stripped naked and reduced to shambles. It is from this background that we subject the toxic figure Jefferson Koijee to the sword of our pen.
We must deal with the psychology of this vermin in order to provide a better reprimand. And it boils down to a psychological defect of chronic inadequacy and the illusion of grandeur, which now have taken over this poltroon. However, his actions highlight yet another aberration which is insecurity. It is this fear of insecurity and compounded by the psychological defect of chronic inadequacy and illusion of grandeur that have made the semi-literate numskull to firstly surround himself with bootlickers to sing his praises and hence his penchant for all the wrong things and spotlight. The unsolvable contradictions of insecurity and illusion of grandeur will ultimately lead to a tragic end of this chap, if we are not there already.
Notwithstanding garbage overwhelming Monrovia, notwithstanding the fact that partners are shutting their doors to the city corporation due to the incompetence of the hoodlum Koijee, notwithstanding feces overflowing sewages in the city center, this is who Jefferson Koijee is: a college degenerate; head of the CDC paramilitary death squads in the Sabu Unit and the Zebra Atlas Forces; a pitiful flunkey and a personification of the whole new standard of mediocrity in public service; chief purchaser and builder of exotic mansions; city mayor of the fortress of garbage and city where feces inundate the streets; serial bandit and ruffian; a caricature who wears gaudy clothes and a character with an insatiable quest for primitive accumulation; mayor of the ‘appalling ghetto of a city; etc. etc.!!!
Last Saturday , the toxic figure in Jefferson Koijee was once more at his best and on full display in unleashing savagery and turning a healthy electoral competition into nasty, brutish and reckless violence in district # 13. A situation which led to supporters of opposition candidates sustaining fatal wounds simply because they decided to exercise their democratic freedom within the framework of peaceful assembly. Those defenseless and unarmed masses didn’t have the slightest thought that Koijee would have ordered his cocaine-infested and tramadol-induced bandits to turn on them.
The recent surge in violence orchestrated by Koijee and his band of hooligans was not done without a motive. It was carefully done in the hope of reaping the desire result. And this is it: ignite chaos on the last day of the campaign since the CDC candidate was losing support by violently injuring supporters of the opposition candidates so they are afraid to turnout at the polls to vote. With that, the fanatical supporters of the CDC will then turnout out en masse to vote on polling day so John Weah will emerge victorious. The idea is that once supporters of the opposition camp are badly injured that fear will remain in them and they wouldn’t show up on polling day.
We say to the regime and its friends that shrill savagery will come to an end soon than you will ever imagine.  We emphasize that tyranny is weakened by the spillage of blood. There may be calmness on the surface but there is a cauldron of volcano beneath the surface that will burst onto the surface. We say to you we saw the fall of an oligarchy which lasted for approximately 133 years, which thought it represented the last form of existence of the Liberian people. We saw how Doe and his brutality ended. We witnessed the abrupt end of the despotism of Taylor and his end in a tight British cell.
Our motivation for a better homeland is in the material reality of the country and in some of its deafening hymns of praises. A dying country yet determined to beat back the odds and reassert herself in the milieu of civilization. A brutalized people, yet religious and courageous and hopeful of better days.  Perhaps such hope is the last thing they have to cling on. Thus, we gain inspiration from these illuminating words of the National Anthem: “with heart and hand our country’s cause defending, we’ll meet the foe with valour unpretending.’ We gain inspiration from the words of Guisseppe Garabaldi ‘I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country with his heart, and not merely with his lips, follow me.’
You flunkey!  Your rule is built on lies, scheme and fraud. In the not too distant future your rule will come to an end! It will mark the end of the prehistory of the people and usher in the period of the people’s triumph. There and then we will build a society of shared value and proudly espouse the vision of Edward Wilmot Bylden! We will run with the teachings of Du Fahnbulleh! We will promote the patriotism of Albert Porte. We will yearn to the pedagogical writings of Dr. Mary Antoinette Brown-Sherman with the expurgation of cultural imperialism from the curricular of our institutions of learning! Then we will construct a society of shared value and egalitarianism.

Moses Uneh Yahmia and Alfred P. B. Kiadii are students of the University of Liberia. Kiadii studies Political Science and Public Administration while Yahmia studies Political Science and Economics. They can be reached viamoseswyalc@gmail.com and bokiadii@gmail.com


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