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Global Hand Washing Day: NGO Mobilises Medical Personnel To Sensitise Vulnerable Children


A Non-Governmental organisation which focuses on children and women health, Women 4 Women, has mobilised medical personnel to sensitise Almajiris, destitute and other children hawking along the streets and Kaduna Central Market, North west of the country, on the importance of hand washing.

The Sensitisation which brought together doctors, nurses and health volunteers is aimed at reducing the spread of infectious, viruses and bacterial diseases.

Founder of the NGO, Maryam Abubakar led the sensitisation campaign to some Almajiri schools, and other areas in the City to mark the Day.

Maryam said washing hands is the best way of stopping germs from spreading infectious diseases and the simplest, most effective measure of preventing the spread of bacteria, pathogens, and viruses that might harm children and adult in the community.

“Hands are the highways to the transmission and spread of bacteria, pathogens, and viruses that cause diseases, food-borne illness, and infections resulting from hospital treatment”.

“Unwashed hands could quickly spread germs around a building via the Door and cupboard handles, kitchen, Taps of water, Kettles, Telephones, Photocopier and printer buttons, Mice, Keyboard, Toilet, Hand shake and many domestic objects.

”We choose to celebrate the Day through educating Almajirai and other destitute children simply because we feel they are always left behind in terms of educating them on health matters, and we feel they need to be educated like every other child about preventive ways to avert spread of diseases ”

Maryam describes hand washing as the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections among children.

“We must teach them how to wash their hands before eating and after eating to reduce spread of various diseases associated with lack of washing Hands”

“These children eat food without cleaning their hands, and we feel that there is need to educate them that is why we are here with them “she said

Additionally, you can also catch germs when you touch contaminated objects or surfaces and then you touch your face (mouth, eyes, and nose).

She warns all Nigerian children to stop eating or drinking all sorts of food stuff without washing their hands, so as to avert germs and other bacterial diseases.

She called on other NGOs and CSOs, state and federal ministries of health to double-up efforts in raising more awareness to both rural and urban children on the importance of washing hands.

She noted that many infections are transmitted to hospital patients from other patients or staff members by poor hand washing techniques adding that if hospital staff don’t wash hands between patients, they carry bacteria and viruses from one patient to another.

Another NGO “Foundation for the Protection of Women and Children,” has also visited some Kaduna communities, to create awareness and campaign among rural dwellers on the importance of washing hands.

The founder, Comrade Ramatu Tijjani said hand washing reduces the number of transient organisms on the skin surface hence the reason why they usually visit local communities and educate them

She said Keeping hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps one could take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.

Ramatu noted that many diseases are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water,

She called on traditional, community and religious leaders as well as women and youth organisations to join the campaign to educate various communities on the importance of hand washing.


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