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Nigeria: 2018 Edition of National SDGsStory Summit Holds in Abuja

By Adeola Raji
Nigeria Youth SDGs Network under the chairmanship of Mr. Semiye Michael has launched its first National SDGs Story Summit in Abuja themed “Data, Technology and Agenda. It was held at the National Press Centre Radio House, Abuja on the 6th of September 2018.
The summit provided a platform for young Nigerians actively working to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria, to profile their experiences, challenges and collectively discuss possible solutions, had a total of 230 participants,a 30-man delegate from the National Youth Service Corps, special guests and other high-level representative across Nigeria.
In the key note address by the Senior Special Assistant to President on SDGs, Mrs. Orelope  Adefulure, delivered by the Secretary of Programmes, Mr. Waziri Laminu, Nigeria is said to have moved from commitment to action. This move, according to Mrs. Adefulure was made possible by the inputs of the youths following the government’s strategic direction to build stronger commitment and domesticate the SDGs.
The Coalition Chair and founder of DEAN Initiative, Mr. Semiye Michael in his good will message, appreciated the youths for their resilient and hard work towards achieving the Nigeria we want. He further urged them to intentionally show what is positive about how youth and SDGs work together to develop their communities.
Some of the dignitaries  included Jesper Kamp, the newly appointed Denmark Ambassador to Nigeria;
Paul Lehman, the Australian Ambassador to Nigeria; Regina Hess, the Deputy German Ambassador; Sean Hoy, Ireland Ambassador to Nigeria; Dr. Joe Abah, former Director General of the Bureau of Public Service Reforms.
The participants were urged to use their platforms to tell their stories to the world and to inspire others towards achieving the SDGs.


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