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The Attack against Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh, Jr.: A Patent Red Herring from Vulgar Elements of the Weah Government

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Map of Liberia

By Alfred P.B. Kiadii

In recent times, there has been a fierce intensification of the spiteful campaign of slander and frontal vilification of Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh, Jr. (HB) by savages of the most reactionary and rotten layer of the bankrupt Liberian ruling clique, which is in deep crisis and riven with unsolvable contradictions. In their blatant absurdity, the midgets dismiss Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh, Jr. as an ‘insignificant figure.’ However, strangely, they consistently hurl vitriolic venom at him while, at the same time, pronouncing he is insignificant.

Curious to understand why they have intensified a deafening salvo of slanders against this remarkable Liberian—we pose the question—is Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh, Jr. insignificant? Or is he being feared because of his profound clairvoyance and bold politics of nationalism? To these inquiries we endeavor to unpack the reasons for the sudden upswing in attack against him.

Fear is either an indirect submission of the superiority of a being or the realization that a particular being or thing is capable of devouring you. Against this background, this can only be the plausible conclusion for the attack against this noble Liberian. It is so increasingly clear that the lackeys and mediocrities of the bankrupt Weah government and the reactionary CDC fear this man because of his ideas, his politics of nationalism, his concept of a better Liberia, and his sublime intellectual capability. Such attributes are sufficient weapons to mobilize the masses behind a revolutionary agenda.

In the dialectics of it, these simpletons have uncritically confirmed the interpenetration or unity of opposites in a striking way. On one hand, the lousy scoundrels assert Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh, Jr.  is a ‘dead wood.’ On the other hand, they spew out a heap of calumnies against him. Such juxtaposition of two polar opposites is an unconscious confirmation of the significance of him in the politics of Liberia. In addition, it contradicts their claim that he is not relevant, as nobody who is not relevant is subjected to such vilification.

Notwithstanding, their action is not without precedence. In all societies where the ruling clique is sapped by ideological decay, the rise of irrational proclivities or the penchant for paranoia is so very rife. It is this logic of history that one must use to understand McCarthyism— ‘the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.’ In this commixture of hysterical outburst and stark ignorance, one can understand the nervousness of the neo-McCarthyist of the CDC and their derivatives of carpetbagger and the lackey types.

Suffice it to mean, in spite of the malicious attacks to which they have subjected HB, rancid elements of the CDC are aware that he remains the single person who can give the regime a run for its money. This is confirmed by the fact that the attack against him is not only consistent, but also increases in intensity. It is part of the ploy to pigeonhole him, or evoke public sentiment against him. But such absurdity is the height of folly, showing the utter bankruptcy of thoughts of the clique.

Dr. H. BoimaFahnbuleh, Jr. is a fearless fighter who has struggled against implacable tyrannies in the homeland. He has always being at the forefront of noble causes and struggles aimed at extricating the people from the stranglehold of oppression. Against such aberration, he has struggled for the last thirty years of his life.  Thus, no amount of sterile finger-pointing and feeble propaganda attacks will discourage him from his calling. Even at the peril of his existence, he will speak out loud against naked corruption. The least he is worried about is the misfire from toddlers in diapers. Indeed, at the appropriate time he will resurface on the political stage.

Make no mistake, the Weah government is like a rotten apple which will freely fall from the tree. It seeds of destruction has been embedded in its abdomen. Its arch-opponents are the NPP cut-throats who have emerged from obscurity to amass loot. Its wreckers are the gang of illiterates who have been replicated at every agency of government to perform task which they have no idea. Its rabble-rousers will be radical students who will not sit supinely and allow the homeland relapse into the abyss. The last straw that will destroy it is the antagonistic split in the clique.

In a desperate attempt to dissuade the attention of the Liberian people from its floundering performance and international snub, the debased ruling clique has sought refuge in unleashing its propaganda stray dogs to lampoon decent people. This tactic will not be given a bit of attention, as the focus is to ceaselessly unmask the incompetence and blunders of the clique which presides over the homeland.

The IMF snubbed the clique due to the fact it has no program to undertake meaningful transformation. It sees the Weah government as a collection of parasites on high alert to engage in industrial swindling. The United States of America, knowing Liberia has a flamboyant mediocrity who is president, sent no representation to his inaugural program, but, conversely, President Donald Trump sent a high power delegation to the inaugural program of President Julius M Bio of Sierra Leone. In diplomacy, action speaks louder than words. It is clear Weah has been snubbed by Washington. If this is not a brazen diplomatic rejection of the political farce in Liberia by its stepfather in the United States of America then I don’t know what is.

The questionable construction of three houses at separates locations in Monrovia by conman George Weah, the 4g purchasing of a house by the vulgarian Minister of State in Nathaniel McGill, the violation of the PPCC act, the violation of the act of LEITI, the collection of discredited parasites of the NPP serving in senior positions in the government—are reasons that have eroded international confidence in the regime. Even the Chinese government which was generous to the erstwhile regime has echoed it has no free cash to dash the regime. Against this reality, the regime has unleashed scandalous canon fodders to launch brazen attacks against perceived opponents. But such subterranean ruse will not distract our attention. Our eyes are on the big issues, not the crude red herring from slavish minions, acting on impulse to please their wheel-dealer who is at the helm of power.

Kiadii studies Political Science with emphasis in Public Administration at the University of Liberia. He is the Secretary General of the Movement for Social Democratic Alternative (MOSODA). You can reach him through Cell#: +233552176627, or bokiadii@gmail.com.




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