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UN Urges Caution Over Missiles Firing at Israel, UK Reacts

Nuclear rocket
Nuclear rocket
Nuclear rocket

The UN has condemned in the strongest terms, the firing of rocket against Israeli forces and subsequent response by Israel.

“The UN follows with utmost concern reports overnight of missile launches from Syria targeting Israeli positions and retaliatory strikes by the Israel Defense Forces, that followed earlier strikes in Syria on Sunday, May 6”.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, however, he noted with relief Thursday’s partial normalisation of the situation, according to a UN statement.

Guterres urged for an immediate halt to all hostile acts and any provocative actions to avoid a new conflagration in the region already embroiled in terrible conflicts with immense suffering of civilians.

The Secretary-General reiterated the UN unwavering support to long term de-escalation efforts, and stability in the Middle East.

He said the UN would continue to advance and support all efforts aimed at further de-escalation in the region.

In this context, Guterres reiterated that the conflict in Syria should be brought to an end with a political solution through the Geneva intra-Syrian talks, as stipulated in resolution 2254 of the Security Council.

The Secretary-General called on the Security Council to remain actively seized of the matter and shoulder its responsibilities under the Charter.

The UN chief said he stood ready to work closely with all its members in this regard.

The UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) has maintained contact with the Syrian Arab Armed Forces and Israel Defense Forces,

UNDOF urged both parties to exercise maximum restraint and abide by their obligations under the Disengagement of Forces Agreement.

Similarly, the UK has condemned Iran for the firing of missiles against Israel, saying it supported Israel’s retaliatory response.

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in a statement, responding to Iranian airstrikes against Israeli forces said: “We strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself”.

The UK envoy added: “We urge Iran to refrain from further actions which will only lead to increased instability in the region.

“It is crucial to avoid any further escalations, which would be in no one’s interest.

“We also continue to call on Russia to use its influence to press those in Syria to cease their destabilising activity and work towards a broader political settlement”. (NAN)




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