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Advocacy Group Commends Kaduna For Spending N97 Million On Child Spacing Drugs And Consumables

Child Spacing Consumables
FP Commodities
Family Planning Commodities


Family Health Advocates in Nigeria Initiative (FHANI) has commended Kaduna State Government for procurement of Reproductive Health/Child Spacing Commodities and Consumables worth N97.9 million.

A statement by Secretary of the Group, Iliya Kure, says the items purchased will go a long way in reducing out of pocket expenses by families in obtaining child spacing services in the state.

“Women in Kaduna State [currently] spend an average of N500 to access child spacing services, and financial constraint has kept quite a number of them from coming to facilities to obtain service,” it says.

Last year, Kaduna State Government earmarked N100 million in its budget for procurement of Child Spacing Commodities and Consumables to provide services completely free to women who need them.

The statement further says, “by this singular act Kaduna State has set the pace not only in northern Nigeria, but the country as a whole in demonstration of political will aimed at ensuring couples space their births and determine duration of the gap,” it says.

The group also commended Kaduna State Government for ongoing “renovation and upgrade of 255 Primary Healthcare Centres in the state…. and called on states in northern Nigeria to emulate Kaduna State, by taking genuine steps aimed at reducing maternal death burden in their respective states,” the statement says.

The advocacy group expressed appreciation for roles played by Development Partners like “Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiatives (NURHI) and Pathfinder International among others, who have been active in advocacies that led to creation of child spacing budget line and releases of appropriated funds,”




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