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Nigeria : CSOs To Shut Down Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company If…

Kaduna Electric
Kaduna Electric

Coalition of Civil Society Organizations in Kaduna has given the Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company, Northwest Nigeria 4 weeks ultimatum to improve power supply or gets its head office shut down .

A communique at the end of its tripartite meeting in Kaduna, the CSOs blamed the

Distribution Company for the acute shortage of power and short changing the people.

The Communique which absolved the Transmission Company of Nigeria of  any blame, asked the Kaduna Electricity.

Distribution Company to evacuate all the 8% power allotted to it by TCN to service the people of Kaduna.

The communique noted with great  concern  complaints arising from the services of the Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company which centered on inadequate power, estimated billing system, suspected hidden charges, non provision of transformer, poles, wires, payment for prepaid metres among others.

It advised Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company to adhere strictly to the NERC guidelines, laws that established it.

The seven point communique as attached here under, frowned the absence of KAEDCO at the meeting, but enjoined communities to guard power installations in their areas against vandalism.

1) Refusal of KAEDCO to participate in the very important tripartite meeting and choose to instead participate in a football match at the Ahmadu Bello Stadium same day was a clear indication that costumers are less important and they are running away from been exposed, therefore are responsible for short changing the people and the acute shortage of power supply to homes despite its availability.

2) KAEDCO should hence forth evacuate all of the 8% power allotted to it to service the people of Kaduna.

3) Transformers, poles, cables and all other installations needed to give adequate, safe and reliable power to home must be provided by KAEDCO as a mandate not consumers or government as it is made to look like.

4) All homes should be metered and charged appropriately, to avoid people paying for power they did not consume, which has been the trend.

5) Community Associations should encourage people to pay their light bills, guide electricity installations like transformers against vandalism and expose neighbours who bypass their meters.

6) KAEDCO should adhere strictly to the NERC guidelines, the law that established them and business ethics.

7) KAEDCO should improve on its costumer services and its poor public relations.

We give 4 weeks to the Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company to comply with the above demands of the people to avoid a shutdown of their head office.


Thank you,

Yusuf Amoke







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