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Nigeria: Southern Kaduna Frowns At Age Long Socio Political Marginalization

Map of Nigeria showing Kaduna State
Map of Nigeria Showing Kaduna State

By Amos Tauna

Kaduna (Nigeria)–Southern Kaduna Peoples Union, SOKAPU, has expressed bitterness over what it called age long sociopolitical marginalization the area has been subjected to by subsequent governments both at the federal and State levels.

SOKAPU  therefore suggested that the report of the 2014 National Conference be implemented. “It is the view of Southern Kaduna that the conclusion reached and recommendations of that conference on the future of the Nigerian federation on the issues of State creation/merger of states, devolution of powers, derivation principle, land tenure, federating units, fiscal federalism, local government autonomy, allocation of resources, geopolitical zones/regionalism etc., reflect the yearnings and aspirations of the Southern Kaduna people and Nigerians in general,” the people explained.

This is  contained in a communique issued at the end of SOKAPU town hall meeting read to journalists in Kaduna, northwest Nigeria by the President of the Union, Solomon Musa.

It said that the people are facing serious political challenge in Kaduna State, where it would be very difficult for them to produce their own son or daughter as the governor of the State.

According to the communique, unless a State is created out of the present Kaduna, stop labelling them as north west zone, but middle belt area, there would be no political headway for the area in the current circumstance.

The communique recalled that over the years, Southern Kaduna has only been enjoying the position of deputy governors until in 2010 as the jinx was broken when the then deputy governor, Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa from southern Kaduna became governor following elevation of the then governor, Namadi Sambo to the Vice President position.

But on December 15, 2012 Yakowa died in a helicopter crash shortly after attending a burial ceremony in Bayelsa State.

Since then, they said Southern Kaduna person has never become governor except, for the traditional position of deputy governor which is currently being occupied by Barnabas Bala Bantex, a Southern Kaduna man from All Progressive Congress (APC).

They called for restructuring of the country to address issues like creation of ranching for fulani herdsmen, local government autonomy, resource control, among others.

The communique explained, “The present delineation of Federal and State Constituencies, wards, local government areas, registration areas, polling units are deliberately skewed to the disadvantage of the people of Southern Kaduna and other ethnic minorities in the north so that a person of Southern Kaduna extraction for instance will find it almost impossible to aspire to hold certain critical positions in Kaduna State e.g. Governor.

“Therefore there is need to correct these structural imbalances that have been set up to always undermine the political aspirations of the southern Kaduna people. The constitutional provisions on periodic review of polling units and constituencies should be carried out with fairness and within the intendments of the constitution and before the next general elections in 2019. There is need to carry out constituency delineation at shorter intervals than the current 10 years as enshrined in the 1999 Constitution as amended.

“The Southern Kaduna people are also concerned that constituencies as presently delineated do not reflect the realities on ground, as the status quo has favoured some sections to the detriment of others. For instance, in most cases, federal and state constituencies in the southern part of Kaduna state are twice the sizes of Federal or State constituencies in other parts of the state.

“That Southern Kaduna reaffirms its position and the resolution of the 2014 National Conference for the creation of additional states including Gurara State. That the creation of a new state, i.e. Gurara State out of the present Kaduna State will meet the aspirations of the people of Southern Kaduna and their desire for self-determination and justice.

“The provisions of the 1999 Constitution on creation of states should be amended to make the creation of new states easier and less cumbersome. That the case for creation of another state out of the present Kaduna State is very cogent given that the population of the area in question is over 3,945,201 people and its landmass is over 26,076Km2. Analysis has shown that the new state will be viable given its rich agricultural potential, the solid minerals in the area and its abundant human capital.

“That there is need to review the law on grazing rights and issues around that; the creation of grazing reserves and so-called international stock routes exclusively for one ethnic group; sustained and violent armed attacks on autochthonous communities by terrorists for purposes of taking over their land and to prevent other people from rearing cattle, are issues that need to be addressed. Southern Kaduna is top on the list of areas that have suffered from the acts of the murderous herds men.

“The gathering strongly notes that government has no business funding private concerns to the detriment and exclusion of other businessmen and women. That rather than establishing grazing reserves, government should facilitate ranching as a modern method of livestock grazing.

“Southern Kaduna, which is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic community of minority tribes who are non-migratory and agrarian in nature, does not fit into the identity of northwest but that of the middle belt where they should be properly placed.

“That appointment to public and political offices should reflect the unity, religious and ethnic diversity of Nigeria and the states. Furthermore the allocation of public resources and development projects should be spread in such a manner that reflects our diversity and that no part of the country, state, local government area, community, religious or ethnic area/group and gender is left out or discriminated against or deliberately marginalized.

“The sharing of political power and development projects has tended to be to the disadvantage of Southern Kaduna. Over concentration of development projects, industries, educational institutions in the northern part of the state and away from Southern Kaduna has been on for ages. Admissions to public institutions have not reflected the diversity of Kaduna State for instance.

“Institutionalized discrimination where better-qualified persons from Southern Kaduna or other ethnic minorities are passed over for appointments into public office for lesser-qualified persons has been entrenched. This has always created a sense of alienation rather than inclusion. These structural imbalances need to be addressed.

“That on land tenure and Land Ownership, the Land Tenure Law of Northern Nigeria 1948, revised in 1963, is what is imposed on the rest of the country in the Land Use Act of 1978. It has been applied without recourse and due consideration to the real owners of the land, thereby consistently denying owners of land such benefits that should accrue from owning the land. The inclusion of the Land Use Act in the Constitution makes it difficult to review it to reflect the evolving needs and realities of the time. The Land Use Act should therefore be removed from the Constitution and amended to reflect current realities.

“That there is over concentration of power at the Federal level. More power should devolve to the States and Local Government Areas by amending the Exclusive and Concurrent Legislative lists in part I and II respectively of the Second Schedule to the 1999 Constitution to give more power to the States and the Local Government Areas.

“On ownership and control over natural resources, that the ethnic nationalities should be able to have a reasonable measure of control over resources found in their domains, including having a share of revenues accruing from those resources.

“That the creation of Chiefdoms, Emirates and other traditional institutions should reflect the history, culture and wishes of the indigenous and autochthonous communities of the area in question. That these indigenous rights must be respected at all times and should not be denied the people. That government has no right whatsoever to name a community or deny them their original name that is based on their history. This is a deliberate programme for the elimination of the traditional institutions of the diverse peoples and cultures of northern Nigeria, and this affects mostly the minority ethnic nationalities.

“That the constitutional provisions should recognize the rights of indigenous people and separate between citizenship, residency and rights of the indigenous people. That these rights which are different should be clearly defined in line with the relevant UN and African Charters on the rights of indigenous people.

“That the imposition and operation of religious laws in Northern Nigeria and the violation of religious rights of minorities has constantly created conflict. This is a long-standing issue in many of the Northern States in Nigeria. It is essential that an atmosphere be created for every Nigerian to have his/her right to freedom of worship respected. The use of state resources for sponsorship of religious pilgrimage, the promotion of religious objectives and agenda of some groups should be critically examined and discontinued.

“That the Local Government Areas should be given legislative and financial autonomy with a fixed term of 4 years.

“That Southern Kaduna is concerned about security of lives and property particularly against the back drop of terrorist activities unleashed on our people based on political and religious objectives. Wars being waged by militant groups and pastoralists for the confiscation of other people’s lands must be addressed if violent conflicts and local wars are to be stopped. We are equally concerned about uncontrolled immigration and settlement of persons in the country from other countries, thereby compromising national security in Nigeria.

“It is the view of the Southern Kaduna people that if these issues are addressed, it will make for a better a federation that will truly meet the aspirations of all Nigerians, engender justice and equity and create an inclusive nation.”


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