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Nigeria: Bad Roads In Kaduna Community, Youth Resort To Self – Help To Reduce Hardship

Youth Working on Maigero Community Road
Youth Working on Ungwan Maigero Community Road

By William Ukpoju

Kaduna (Nigeria) — Following lack of government presence, resulting in dreadful condition of roads in Ungwan Maigero community, a surburb of Kaduna metropolis, northern Nigeria, youth in the area have resolved to take their destiny in their own hands, till government answer their clarion call.

To this end, they have taken upon themselves to arrest the severe health challenge posed to road users and the unremitting dust, which continues to wreck havoc on shop owners and residents along the pitfall and untarred roads.

Residents of the area told AFRICA PRIME NEWS that whopping cough and catarrh have become a major worry in the community as parents spent  huge part of their earnings  to care for their children every now and then.

Maigero,they said, is a major passageway for people residing in Narayi, Barnawa, Sabo and the likes, all in the state capital,  thereby making. the number of road users daily ,quite imaginable.

“Worried by the deplorable state of roads in this community, youths under the aegis of ‘Maigero Youth for Growth’ in Ungwan Maigero, a suburb along Sir Patrick Yakowa Express Way, Kaduna,  organized themselves to provide short-term respite for road users in the community.”


According to the leader of the group, Mr. Clement Colours, the major road was almost becoming less motorable due to pitfalls on  the road. In his words, “We are tired of the unending dust and pot-holes that have continued to make life miserable for the inhabitants of Ungwan Maigero that is why we are determined to help the government provide short-term succour to road users.

“The heap of laterite you see here is the handiwork of our youth. So many have contributed money, resources and time to enable us carry out this community work today. We implore the state and local government to hasten to our aid as our meagre resources may not yield the desired result”, he said.

Speaking further about other basic amenities, Mr. Clement alluded that there is little or no government presence in Maigero; “We currently do not have primary health care centre, school, pipe-borne water and accessible roads; we are making frantic efforts to ensure that this community gets all the basic social amenities needed to make life more comfortable for our people…

“Until help comes from the government, ‘Maigero Youth for Growth’ are committed to donating their personal resources to sanitize and fix bad roads in Ungwan Maigero”, he added.


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