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International Day Of The Girl Child: CHR Demands Action On Immunisation From Nigeria


By Iliya Kure

Kaduna (Nigeria) — As the world celebrates International Day of the Girl Child, a non-governmental organisation, Community Health and Research Initiative (CHR) has called on Nigeria to ensure all girls have access to important vaccines.

A statement by Chairman, Board of Trustees of CHR, Aminu Magashi Garba, stresses the importance of immunization, saying, vaccines such as the Tetanus, Rubella and the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine, offers protection against 70% of incidences of Cervical Cancer, which claims the lives of an estimated 266,000 women and girls yearly.

“We call on the Nigerian government to prioritize increase in the national and states budget to finance immunization and ensure timely and efficient releases of immunization funds,” the statement says.

The 2016 Multi Indicator Coverage Survey/National Immunization Coverage Survey (MICS/NICS) conducted in Nigeria shows that only 23% of children (aged 12 – 23 months) are fully vaccinated, with another 37% partially vaccinated. it reveals a worst situation in northern states, where some states were reporting below 20% immunization coverage.

CHR says, “we recognize the efforts that have gone into reaching the current levels by the Nigerian government, however, much more needs to be done if we are to reach the 2020 goals that our government has set in the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) of reaching 90% immunization coverage nationally and 80% in every state by 2020.”

In 2016, Africa made significant achievements of near elimination of Meningococcal Meningitis A epidemic, as well as significant reduction in disease burden and child mortality due to Measles.

In January 2017, African Heads of States endorsed the Addis Declaration on Immunization, where they commit to reinforce Global Vaccine Action Plan, at the highest level of political engagement – acknowledging they are largely off track.

CHR is joining other organizations in over ten countries in Africa in launching ’33 Days to Power Up Immunization’ Campaign, as well as demand accountability from their various governments.



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