Apparition [POEM]

Map of Nigeria

By Odimegwu Onwumere









We heard he sent a letter to the Senate

On January Nineteen Two Thousand and Seventeen.


The Senate didn’t see him but saw his letter;

He then left for London for a Ten-day leave,

To treat himself.


He stayed for over Fifty days,

Showing care to us in attitude,

Not in action, through his messengers,

Whereas the country is bereft of action.


Some who visited him in London

Said he spoke to us.


We only heard his message

But did not hear his voice.


They told us that he was back,

And we waited to see him

On TV address us, to no reward.


To continue to reddish-purple us

They showed us pictures of him

Attending a Mosque,

When no one else

Confirmed seeing him live.


They continue to tell us that

He’s fit and healthy to rule us

But he took another leave

On May Eight Two Thousand and Seventeen,

For London.  Another leave? Now indefinite.


The dismaying aspect is that

He speaks to a few persons

Who see him – {he doesn’t see?}

Not everyone has entrée to him

Since the painted shell began to rule us.


Now our country has gone down

The same way of his failed health.


The apparition has become vanishing dew

And a great mystery of our time.


© Odimegwu Onwumere; May 8 2017.



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