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Gambia’s Peaceful Parliament Elections Mark Significant Growth For The Country-President Adama Barrow

By Winifred Bulus

President of The Gambia, Adama Barrow, commends Gambians for conducting a peaceful parliament election.

The president in a press statement expressed gratitude to the country for conducting a peaceful campaign and election.

This, he said was significant in the country’s new dimension towards change which is in line with the new government’s journey.

“I thank all Gambians for going through the campaign in a mature and peaceful manner to canvass for votes.

“The unprecedented number of candidates in this National Assembly election is a manifestation of the freedom Gambians have begun to enjoy since the change of government in December 2016. This is one of the first great achievements of the new Gambia.

“Fellow Gambians, I urge all of us to put our positive energies together and stand strong in building the New Gambia.

“We want a Gambia where citizens will enjoy their freedom and dignity through socio economic development and respect for the rule of law,” he noted.

Meanwhile, the country’s long time opposition party, United Democratic Party (UDP) won absolute majority in the parliament elections.

31 out of the 53 parliament seats in Gambia were taken by the UDP party which had stood alone after the coalition of parties that won the presidential elections with the party’s candidate coming third in the presidential running.

Official results show the party took 31 of the 53 available seats in Gambia’s National Assembly.

The parliament election conducted was the first legislative election in 22 years after the country’s freedom from dictatorial rule by former President, Yadhya Jammeh, who was succeeded by the new president, Adama Barrow.


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