Young Preacher Tasks Christians To Stand For Their Children In Prayers

By Iliya Kure
imageKaduna (Nigeria) — Christian parents and guardians have been tasked on the need to stand in the gap for their children, especially in an unpleasant world.

A child preacher, Jennifer Nicholas made the call on Sunday in a message at the worship to mark the end of Children Week at Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), ECWA Gospel in Romi New Extension Kaduna, Northern Nigeria.

Taking her text from the Book of Ezekiel chapter 22, verses 30, Jennifer emphasised the need for parents and guardians to train their children in the way of the Lord by leading exemplary lives.

She called on parents to pray continually for their children and discipline them as the need arises, reminding them that they will give account on them before God on the last day.

Jennifer also emphasised the need for children to stand in the gap, so that the forces of darkness will not take over the church and christian homes.

She called on them to start at the young age, and not wait till they grow old, emphasising that the wrath of God will not escape anyone who failed to stand in the gap for their generation.

Jennifer said in doing that, it means Christians must show exemplary lives in the office, school, community and the home, calling on them to set themselves apart as holy and purposeful people, who are not enticed by worldly things.

In a remark, overseer of the Church, Pastor Bulus Ibrahim, tasked christians not to fail in their responsibilities.

He said the Week was set apart as part of Church strategy to instil the fear of God in the lives of children, and build their talents, calling on parents to train their children in the way of God.

Highlights of the worship were, special song ministrations, dance, children newscasting, and scripture memorisation

Certificates were also presented to children who participated in the Holiday Bible School (HBS).


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