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ZANU PF Intimidates Mujuru Supporters

imageZimPF leaders in Mashonaland Central province have accused Zanu PF officials of intimidation ahead of former Vice-President Joice Mujuru’s homecoming star rally today.

Mujuru has gone to most provinces in the country to introduce her party to her supporters. But in each province, Zanu PF has been accused of employing various tactics to discourage people from attending.

ZimPF Mashonaland Central provincial youth leader, Titus Manyika told NewsDay Weekender yesterday that intimidation was rife but Mujuru’s supporters remained unfazed.

They are doing all sorts of things, but we remain strong,” he said. “Firstly, we booked Chipadze Stadium on August 11 and Zanu PF went on to make a booking on August 19 for another programme and they were granted ahead of us. We got an alternative, which is Aerodrome shopping centre, and there are reports that they want to take that venue again,” he said.

Manyika said Zanu PF operatives had been defacing their posters, while openly telling people to boycott the rally.

“They are defacing our posters in Bindura, Mazowe and Guruve. In Mt Darwin they are actually removing all the posters. We have information to the effect that they have deployed two trucks to demobilise our supporters. However, all these tactics will not work because people are firmly behind Mujuru,“ he said.

Yesterday the party held a clean-up campaign and also put up more posters.
“We will also sleep at the venue to secure it so that no one comes to disturb,” Manyika said.
The youth leader said, already, property worth thousands of dollars was lost last Friday when suspected Zanu PF supporters burnt down a house belonging to their supporter in Bindura North, ward 20.

ZimPF interim provincial chairperson, Godfrey Chimombe said the rally was meant to prove Mujuru had respect in her province of birth.

mobilisation well and the people are eager to meet their future leader. Mujuru is a darling of this province. She hails from this side and she did a lot of developmental projects that benefited the people,” he said.

“We opted for Chipadze Stadium, but we could not secure it. We then got clearance for the Aerodrome open space, but today some Zanu PF councillors in Bindura are saying that place is not conducive for the rally. We are currently running around to put things in order through engaging.” newsday


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