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Nigeria Counts On Digital Switch-Over To Fast Track Technology

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imageKaduna (Nigeria) — Nigeria’s Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed has described digital migration of the broadcast industry as “irreversible and unstoppable”, hence Africa must join the train so as not to be left behind, the

Speaking at close of the 6th African Digital TV Development Seminar in Beijing, the Chinese capital, the Minister said it is imperative for Africa to utilise the platform provided by digitisation to “leapfrog into the future of technology”.

”The Digital Switch Over is a global project. Many countries that have concluded their DSO are already reaping the benefits accruing therefrom. Africa can not afford to lag too far behind,” the Minister said.

He said a successful transition would spin off benefits far beyond broadcasting, adding that Digital Switch Over (DSO) would provide jobs for the youths

He said “a situation in which only two African nations have so far successfully digitalized their broadcast industry does not augur well for the continent, hence the decision by the Ministers to work together to fast-track the switch over project.”

”The lessons we have learnt and the experiences we have shared at this forum will definitely fire our zeal to continue working apace towards a timely and successful digitisation. We must all build on the momentum we have garnered through our interactions in these past few days,” the Minister said.


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