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Recall Process Of Anti – Social Media Senator Commences In Northern Nigeria

Kaduna (Nigeria) — A process to recall the senator who initiated move for criminalising use of social media has commenced in his Zamfara constituency.

Senator Bala Ibn Na’Allah has proposed a bill in Nigerian senate to criminalise sharing of any ‘false’ information on social media that is not backed by a sworn court affidavit.

Many Nigerians have used the social media to criticise the action, but the bill has received support in the senate and has past its second reading, and committed to a committee.

However, a Nigerian online media ‘Nigerian Insight’ has published a story by one Dr. Idris Ahmed, CUPS, entitled ‘Update on Recalling Senator Bala Ibn Na’Allah from the Senate!’

The excepts below;

We are very delighted to announce that the legal/constitutional process of recalling Senator BalaIbnNa’Allah from the Senate is well underway. Over 30,000 signatures were collected as of yesterday, including a significant number from Wasaga, his home village. Having realised this, Bala decided to go live on Voice of America (VOA) this morning crying for help! The fact remains true that bullies are always cowards too.

Whether he goes on VOA, BBC, RFI, Radio China, Radio Cologne Germany or any other radio station for that matter, crying for help, it does not make any difference whatsoever to this constitutional process. For the first time in our history, we Nigerian masses are mobilising ourselves to say enough is enough, and we really mean it! God willing this grandeur traitor and ex-drugs kingpin must go.

For the avoidance of doubt, the process of recalling Senator BalaIbnNa’Allah from the Senate is well organised, structured, and transparent. The major steps involved are outlined below:

1. Community leaders at grass-roots level in Yauri and Zuru Senatorial District are sending an initial petition letter to Senator BalaIbnNa’Allah, in which all the allegations of wrongdoing labeled against him are detailed. This letter is copied to the INEC Chairman. Senator Bala is given two weeks to respond.

2. An independent committee made of distinguished scholars and lawyers on constitutional matters, ex-law enforcement agents, human rights activists and ex-politician is drafted from all parts of Nigeria to look into the allegations labeled against BalaIbnNa’Allah. The committee will guarantee that he is not witch-hunted by anyone.

3. Petition signatures are collected from at least 51% of the electorate who voted for BalaIbnNa’Allah during the last general election. Already 30,000 signatures have been collected. These signatures must be verifiable by INEC.

4. Within 90 days of collecting and verifying these signatures, INEC is obliged by law to organise a vote in Yauri and ZuruSenetorial District for the electorate to decide whether to recall BalaIbnNa’Allah from the Senate or not.

5. A simple majority of whatever number of people that turned up and voted against him during the recall voting is enough to seal the recall of BalaIbnNa’allah from the Senate.

We are mobilising Nigerians from all political parties, religious, tribal, and cultural background to participate in this patriotic and historic event. This is truly an all Nigerian affair! Be part of history, don’t be left behind. Please join us at the “Democracy in Action” Facebook page to make the process smooth, effective, and transparent.

May God save Nigeria and Nigerians. Amen.


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