Nigerian Vendors Cry Against Harassment by Military

By Mohammad Ibrahim

KADUNA (Nigeria) – National Vendors Association has cried out over alleged harassment and intimidation from soldiers stationed in Kaduna state, Northwest Nigeria.

The Kaduna State Chairman of the Association, Malam Guda Garba told newsmen after an emergency meeting on the issue that his members suffered harassment daily from soldiers stationed at Kawo, a suburb of Kaduna City.

He threatened that if adequate measures are not taken to stop the solders from harassing his members, the Association will embark on a strike action by not selling newspapers across the state.

” we don’t know why the solders always harass our members who are doing their legal business at kawo market and garage within the metropolis.

” Few days ago they arrested four of our members and took them to one division for comiting no offence.

” This saturday again the same solders came to kawo garage site to harass one of our member again without committing any offence they took him away since morning and was released in the evening around 6pm.

” Despite the fact that they saw him holding newspapers which he supposed to have sell to his customers in the morning. We believe such action towards our members was unfair,” he said.

According to him, the association has already met and resolved that if the solders continue to harass their members they will not hesitate to take action such as refusing to distribute or sell newspapers within the state until army authority2 intervenes.

Contacted on the allegation, Army One Divisional Public Relations officer, Colonel Yusuf Abdul denied the allegation, saying his men didn’t harass anybody around that area as claimed by the association.

He therefore urged the vendors leadership in the state to come forward to the division to make their complaint official.


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