Life Is Short, No Man Is Promised Tomorrow, By David Wyse

Life is short written on pastel green (credit: Dreamstime)

I have come to understand that what we make of life is Just as much as whom we are.

My mum would tell me THE QUALITY OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE and my friends would tell me, omo live your life to the fullest because, ‘LIFE IS SHORT’, and you only get to live it once, do you really think that it’s true?

Well, this is my own cup of tea that I take every blessed day. Life is short is an overused word (cliché) that are unoriginal, tired, expressions. I was taught in school to avoid while writing, but in life you just cannot make use of it because it steers at you right in the face every single day.

But the fact remains that it is all true about the expression cliché, but the truth be told there is something about it, so intrinsically democratic and anything that is democratic, is appealing to me, the language might be tired, but the sentiment is worth revisiting, so I was told.

For example, life is short a cliché that you must have heard so many times before and it lends its self to mockery and dismissal, so life is short don’t be responsible, never take anything serious, learn to live life with no ambition because life is short.

Time even goes an extra mile to show to us that life is really short. From my research and findings, when you go to every tomb stone, you would see some writings on the stone, but the most important ones are that of the year of birth and that of the death that is what people would tell you.

But they are all wrong. You see, it does not matter how long you live on earth, what really matters is how well you spent it and that brings me to the most important thing on the stone. It is that very small tinny dash mark that separates the year of birth and death. Now that small dash mark is more than what we take it to be.

You see it tells us more about the quality of the life, you have lived no matter how long you live, that small mark would not get any longer than it should, when they are engraving it on your tomb stone.

It would remain as small as every other person even though they lived for just an hour on earth; it is still the same, what really matters are the quality of life lived.

It might not be long as we all want it to be, but we must learn to make every single moment count and try our very best to impact someone’s life and have something to be remembered for that should be the Main focus and not just living life as it comes.

Now to revisit that cliché, LIFE IS SHORT, is really to say that to be alive, is to have something fragile to hold and to have something pressures in the palms of our hands and to deliberately decide not to waste it.

Life is short really means do something with your life, be sceptical, but never cynical, to be sceptical, really means to be open and not knowing if it’s true but you are willing to learn to go the extra mile and to explore and question things, while to be cynical means to be closed minded and to say nothing is ever true, because nothing is ever true.

Life is short really means to be openly minded it also means to decide what to do with all your regrets in your life or you can waste the rest of your life regretting your regrets because there is always something to regret or put it aside and learn from it.

Life is short, is to have a purpose driven life, and purpose does not really need to be bigger than life. I think the smaller the purpose, the more meaningful it would be, and the better it would be to make an impact in life, to be kind to have empathy, to avoid sanctimony to think of the humanity of other people to take one step at a time to try.

So, let’s make every moment in our life count, because life is short and no man knows when the cold hands of death may come calling. Every moment counts, so let’s make the best of what we have now, No man is promised tomorrow.

Wyse can be reached via email:

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