Police Retirees Under Contributory Pension Scheme Dying In Silence: Open Letter To President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu of Nigeria


23rd October 2024

His Excellency, Mr. Bola Ahmed Tinubu

President of Nigeria

Sir, with much respect and honor, I want to intimate you with the fact that Police Retirees under the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) are dying in silence every day as a result of being under this scheme.

This emanated as a result of the bad plan of the system, as Police Retirees are denied their pension and gratuity, which is replaced with what they call Lump Sum. This Lump Sum is a disaster, because it is what Police Retirees have been contributing, while in service, that on retirement, only 25% of it would be given to a retiree, followed with a meager monthly take home of ₦25,000 to ₦75,000, depending on the rank.

Since about 10 years ago, Police Retirees under the Contributory Pension Scheme have been struggling to be exited from the scheme, and the lawmakers also have been trying to remove the Nigeria Police from the scheme, but to no avail.

Reasons for removal from CPS:

1. Effective Service. Nobody can expect any good service skill from the serving Policemen, when they are seeing those who retired are under abject poverty, disgrace, humiliation and begging.

2. Fear of going on retirement: As retirement under Police Department, now is like a death sentence.

3. Security Threat: It is very, very dangerous for a country like Nigeria, to leave Police under the Contributory Pension Scheme.

4. Delay and inadequate amount of payment: Police Retirees under the Contributory Pension Scheme use to wait for one and a half years before collecting the so-called Lump Sum.

5. None continuity: There is the tendency that the Contributory Pension Scheme may break along the way.

6. None payment of any pension increase by the Federal Government and minimum wage.

7. Three types of pension payment within the Police cycle.

8. Rampant death among the Police Retirees who are under the Contributory Pension Scheme.

9. Constant increase rate of commodities price.

Comparing and contrasting the above-mentioned reasons, I am hereby appealing to Mr. President, His Excellency, Bola Ahmed Tinibu, as a matter of urgency to give out an Executive Order Bill for the removal of Police from the Contributory Pension Scheme.

Also, in his mercy, as a straightforward President, who is shaping Nigeria, to assist by giving an order for the immediate payments of the following allowances to the Police Retirees who are under the Contributory Pension Scheme:

(a) Three consecutive pension increase by the Federal Government.

(b) 25% differential.

(c) Federal Government-approved palliatives.

(d) Minimum wage increase.

Sir, honestly speaking Police Retirees under the Contributory Pension Scheme are dying rampantly, our condition needs an immediate overhaul.

Thank you,

Chairman National Union of Police Retirees, Kaduna State Branch

Ret. CSP Mannir M. Lawal Zaria.



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