Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Dialogue: Traditional Ruler Hails NGO For Return Of Peace To 2 Ethnic Communities In Kaninkon Chiefdom, Kaduna


By John Gadani

The Dialogue project implemented by Network Nigerian Facilitators has reduced suspicion among two ethnic groups, Dangoma and Goska in Kaninkon Chiefdom of Jema’a Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

The traditional ruler of the Chiefdom, the Tum Nikyob, His Royal Highness, Tanko Tete stated this when he received the Facilitators who were on Project Exit visit.

The traditional ruler appreciated the effort of the NNF, saying “when communities are near each other and communication is not enough, it breeds suspicion.

He noted that the project, “has encouraged communication flow among members of the conflicting communities of Dangoma and Goska who have now become more accommodating regardless of past disputes.

The traditional ruler however, decried the activities of certain elements who are not permanent members of the community but have easy access to the community and are usually hidden saying they come, cause mayhem and leave.

He expressed optimism that the Dialogue process would foster peace between the two Communities.

Meanwhile, a member of the Network of Nigerian Facilitators, Mrs Sekyen Dadik has urged leaders and representatives of the communities to pursue peace through dialogue and mediation which She said, is key to sustainable peace.

Speaking at a Capacity Building Workshop, Mrs Dadik who is also the Deputy Executive Director, Africa Media Development Foundation, AMDF tasked the participants to see peace as their responsibility and do all within their powers to ensure lasting peace, as a pre-requisite for development.

On Mediation in Conflict Resolution, a cleric, Rev. Bitrus Dangiwa said “by our calling, we are all mediators”, and therefore enjoined representatives of the community to set up early warning systems that could help identify conflict at an early stage for quick action.

Representing Jemaá Local Government, Mr. Reuben Sabo, a supervisory councilor appreciated the effort of the Network of Nigerian Facilitators for such a timely effort aimed at rebuilding trust between Goska and Dangoma communities towards promoting peaceful coexistence.

He called on participants to ensure they carry on all they have learnt for the benefit of their communities.

At the end of the workshop, participants pledged to put into practice, all that they had learned and stand as peace ambassadors in their communities.

AFRICA PRIME NEWS reports that capacity of the participants was built around Early Warning and Early Response system to equip them
to be alert to warning signs that often present themselves and the measures to take.

This is with a view to ensuring early response so that situations do not escalate to violence that could result in wanton loss of lives and property

The Dialogue program is under the Network of Nigerian Facilitators Project of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP).

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