United States: Growing ‘Fire Tornado’ Caught On video In Los Angeles County

Fire Tornado in Los Angeles county

 By Iliya Kure, LOS ANGELES 

Firefighters in Los Angeles Wednesday battle against brush fire in northwestern Los Angeles County. 

Footage captured by local television news helicopter of KTLA-TV showed an apparent “fire tornado” — a swirling vortex of flames and a rising column of smoke. 

A firefighting helicopter was seen on television making a water drop on the flames. 

By about 8:15 p.m. local time, officials said the fire which had spread up to 148 acres was 60% contained. 

So far, no structure was threatened, but Highway 138 was closed in the area. 

In a tweeter post, Los Angeles Fire Department’s Air Operations Section said, “Short range spotting and fire whirls on the #SamFire tell the story of dry, receptive fuels and erratic winds from intense surface heating.” 

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