Kenya’s “Azimio La Umoja” Powers On

Raila Odinga arrives at Kasarani Stadium (Credit: Azimio La Umoja)

By Joab Apollo

A movement bringing together allies of President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga has unanimously declared the latter as its 2022 presidential candidate.

At a fun-filled convention held at the 60, 000 seater Kasarani Stadium, the Azimio La Umoja (aspiration to be United) movement declared that Odinga is the safest pair of hands to champion social political and economic development of the East African country.

Delegates, who included senior government officials, seasoned politicians, local and international investors, paid a glowing tribute to Odinga, describing him as a battle-hardened reforms champion.

Odinga said his main agenda will be to tackle graft, public debt, industrialization and protection of private property. He poignantly recalled his days in detention under the then authoritarian Kenya Africa National Unity (KANU) regime.

“The tears from the torture Chambers are still running as you can tell from the handkerchief that never leaves my hand.” He said

Renowned New York based Kenyan Professor of Law Makau Mutua, said that with the endorsement, Odinga is now set to smoothly occupy Kenya’s leadership mantle.

“He has no competitor. He plays in the Champions League.” The Harvard educated scholar told the crowd, to a thunderous applause.

It will be the fifth time Odinga will be gunning for the presidency. This time, he will be facing Deputy President William Ruto, who has since fallen out with President Kenyatta. The genesis of their feud being Kenyatta’s political truce with Odinga, which he believes was a well-orchestrated plot to curtail his presidential chances.

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