Tangale Elders to Gombe Gov: Enthrone Duly Elected Musa Idris Iliyasu Maiyamba As Mai Tangle

Gov Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe state, Nigeria

…..Lift Curfew to enable Christians observe Easter

The Tangale Elders Forum in Biliri Local Government Area of Gombe State, North East Nigeria, says it does not want anything now other than the appointment and enthronement of Dr.Musa Idris Iliyasu Maiyamba As the duly elected Mai Tangle.

The Forum comprising selected members from across the Chiefdom/Billiri Local Government Area took the position at the end of a meeting under the leadership of Tangale Community Development Association Board of Trustees in Biliri.

A communique issued at the end of the meeting notes that the guidelines as approved in accordance with the culture and tradition of the Tangale people was totally faulted.

The Government, it emphasised, took over the entire exercise instead of the  kingmakers.

The Elders forum says it found it difficult to understand the type of Arithmetic of the State Government where two (2) become great or more than five.

The Forum which called for peace to reign among the people however decried the “lopsided” arrest of 24 of its members by the State Government, describing it as anathema.

The Forum therefore demanded the release of the District Head of Todi “who was arrested on flimsy excuse”.

It condemns what it called mayhem and wanton destruction of lives and properties carried out by hoodlums who, according to the Forum, did not mean well for the law abiding and peace-loving community.

It further dissociated itself from such dastardly act and condemned it in very strong terms.

It observed that the callous act unleashed on Billiri Town was alien to their people, adding that it is not in the character of Tangale indigene and their settlers with whom they had been co-existing peacefully since time immemorial.

The Communique criticised the long duration of the Curfew and called on the State Government to lift it to enable the Christians observe the Ester which it describes as a major religious observance by the Christendom all over the world.

Here under is part of the communique;-

The Tangale Elders Forum comprising selected members from across the Chiefdom/Billiri Local Government
Area Convened an emergency meeting on Monday 1st March, 2021. The Forum deliberated on the remote and immediate causes of the disturbances that ensued after the election of nominees/Candidates to fill the vacant stool of Tangale Chieftaincy.

The meeting was held under the corporate body of the TCDA Board of Trustees and its Acting National Executive Committee. The Forum noted with utter dismay the mayhem and wanton destruction of lives and properties carried out by hoodlums who did not mean well for our law abiding and peace-loving community. It further dissociated itself from such dastardly act and condemned it in very strong terms.

The Forum observed that this callous act unleashed on Billiri Town was alien to our people, adding that it is not in the character of Tangale indigene and their settlers with whom they have been co-existing peacefully since time immemorial.

It is generally believed external forces/influence might have played a role in this unfortunate incident.
In the wake of this circumstances, the Forum wishes to use this medium to sympathize and condole the good people of Tangale Community and all its friendly settlers, as well as the good people and government of Gombe State.

Consequently, the forum meticulously deliberated and adopted the following peace building processes that would bring lasting peace to the Chiefdom/Billiri Local Government, God willing.

They are as follows:

That we the Elders and the entire community in Tangale Chiefdom/Billiri Local Government do hereby thank the Living God Almighty for his faithfulness, kind providence, protection and divine intervention during this difficult time.

(a). The Elders Forum noted with utter dismay the reckless peddling of rumours in the Social Media, which gave rise to the unhealthy situation we found ourselves in at present.

(b). Also, the Forum hereby admonish our youths to refrain from peddling unsubstantiated stories in the Social Media, which has become the bane of Society at large.

(c). It is unfortunate that an elder statesman is now busy peddling fake news in the Social Media that over One Hundred (100) places of worship in Billiri town were burnt, instead of joining other elders across the land in preaching peaceful co-existence and harmony which we are known for.

  1. The Forum affirmed our community’s position as a very peaceful and law abiding people, we have always been loyal to any Government of the day. Consequently, it was resolved that it is only when peace is fully restored in our community that meaningful development can be achieved.

  2. The forum appreciated the condolence visit which His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Gombe State and his entourage paid at the Palace of the Mai Tangle, immediately after the demise of Mai Tangle HRH (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II (May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace)

  3. The Forum decried and condemned in unequivocal terms the wanton destruction of economic facilities and some residential houses and the forum extended its heartfelt sympathy to such victims. The forum appreciates the State Administration’s public pronouncement with regards to compensation to such identified victims. This measure would no doubt fast-track the healing process, as well as encourage the return of people who fled away.

  4. Also, the Forum noted with grave concern the outcry made by relatives of some suspects alleged to have been arrested in errors as they were thought to have had nothing to do with the unfortunate incident. To this end, the Forum wish to appeal for fairness and justice as this would enhance the return of peace.

  5. With due diligence and execution of the above peace building processes, the forum hereby appeal to the government to graciously and magnanimously consider.

  6. The Forum profoundly appreciated the peaceful co-existence to date between the two major religious groups in the Tangale Chiefdom/Billiri Local Government.

Despite the concerted effort of the Tangale Elders Forum for the restoration of peace in Billiri Local Government Gombe State. The Gombe State Government has remained insensitive to the plight of the Tangale people because of the following reasons:

One of the losers was smuggled into the Kingdom and was surreptitiously installed as the new ‘Mai Tangle’.

The presence of heavily armed security officers during the exercise of the election of the Mai was uncalled for.

Therefore the people were highly intimidated by the presence of heavily armed security officers. It was a clear case of coercion.

Non-elective Traditional Council leaders were absolutely denied access into the venue of the exercise. This is a negation of the standing procedure. They were denied their role of being observers.

The agents of the candidate were not allowed at the venue.

The Tangale Elders forum found it difficult to understand the type of Arithmetic of the State Government were two (2) become great or more than five.

The arrest of our people up to 24 numbers by the State Government to Abuja and Gombe was an Anathema. We believed a crisis like this takes two to tango, however the arrest was lopsided.

The Tangale Elders Forum and the TCDA demand also the release of the District Head of Todi who was also arrested for flimsy reasons.

It is evident that the Governor does not mean well for the Tangale people, this is quite clear from the statement coming from the Governor. Let him not forget that he swore to an allegiance to protect the lives and properties of the entire people of Gombe State and of course the Tangale people.

The Tangale Elders Forum decry the very long duration of the curfew imposed on our people. The curfew should therefore be completely lifted in order to allow our people (the Christians) to observe the Easter celebration which is a major religious observance by the Christendom all over the world.

The guide line as approved in accordance with the culture and tradition of the Tangale people was totally flouted. The government took over the entire exercise instead of the King makers.

The entire Tangale people do not want anything now other than the appointment and enthronement of Dr. Musa Idris Iliyasu Maiyamba as the duly elected Mai Tangle.

The Tangale Elders Forum wishes to use this opportunity to call on our people to be firmly united with one another. Our people should also be their brother’s keepers by being security conscious in whatever they are doing.

We appeal to our people to remain calm as the Tangale Elders Forum is restive for the sake of the Tangale nation.

Long live the Tangale Elders Forum
Long live the Tangale Community Development Association
Long live the Tangale People
Long live Gombe State
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria


Agur Sankace A
Acting National President
Hon. Charles Iliya (Dan Ruwatan Tangale) For the Elders

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