Nigeria :Tangale Waja Region In Gombe Cries Out Over Marginalisation

The Youth wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN Billiri chapter in Gombe State,  has  in strong terms , condemned what it called continuous marginalisation and unfair treatment of Tangale Political bloc and the Christian faithful in the State.

A statement made available to AFRICA PRIME NEWS by Chairman of the CAN Youth wing, Shadrach B. Nagabas , chronicled some of the unfair treatment perpetrated, especially lopsided political appointments and unfavourable disposition by Governor Inuwa Yahaya against the people despite the massive support given to the ruling party from the region.

The group said it would not fold its arms to speak out since the government had discarded principles of justice and fairness to all citizens irrespective of tribe, Creed or ideological leanings.

More worrisome , according to the statement , is the clandestine move based on religious, ethnic sentiments and favouritism by the Administration to deny the appropriate officer who hails from the area to  occupy the office of Chief Judge of the State

It therefore advised the Governor, as the father of all, in the State,  to as a matter of urgency ,  address expeditiously , squarely and objectively , the glaring imprints of bias and injustice being perpetrated by the Administration.

It reminded the State Chief Executive that Gombe State belongs to all , as such,  they can therefore stand to demand  justice for everyone irrespective of sex, tribe or religion.

Here under is the full text of the Press Statement :-



The above named association (YOUTH CAN) Billiri chapter, having observed with deep concern many instances of bias and unfair treatment being perpetrated by this administration against the collective interest of Tangale Waja as a whole and the Christian minority in particular, wishes to use this medium to express our grievances, and to draw the attention of His Excellency and the Gombe state government to that effect.

As law abiding citizens, our intention to air our misgiving is founded upon our firm belief that every citizen of the state irrespective of tribe, creed or ideological leaning should be accorded equal treatment. And when scenarios that bear the imprints of bias present themselves we will not hesitate to speak against it. To us doing so is in exercise of our fundamental human rights as enshrined in the constitution of Nigeria. We also wish to state categorically that our intentions here are in defense of issues that boarder around the perceived threats to the social, economic and political interests of the good people of Tangale Waja region and the Christians faithful; nothing more, nothing less.


To this end we wish to condemn in very strong terms the continuing marginalization and unfair treatment of the Tangale Waja political bloc and the Christian faithful, and to call on His Excellency as a father to all in the state to, as a matter of urgency, look into these issues raised below, and to address them expeditiously, squarely and objectively.

First and foremost, the appointments made by his Excellency upon assumption of office were not only unfair but gravely biased against the collective interest of Tangale Waja and the Christian. The appointments which comprised key members of the state Executive Council namely, the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Head of Civil Service, Chief of Staff to the Governor, Principal Private Secretary (PPS) and Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Media and Publicity had only two from Tangale Waja (the SSG& a member of the Media team) and out of the two only one is a Christian. In view of the overwhelming support and goodwill enjoyed by the APC from the Gombe South electorate, these appointments therefore clearly demonstrated a failure to appreciate and reciprocate the sacrifices and contributions of the sons and daughters of the Tangale Waja who did all in their power to break free from the manipulative and divisive agenda of the immediate past PDP government.

To have such a scenario thrusted in our faces was disturbing, and of course there were a lot of condemnations from sons and daughters of the region especially from the ranks of the opposition. But for us who still had faith in the Inuwa administration, we rose to defend the actions of His Excellency, believing that such faltering first steps would be corrected in the future.

Secondly, while we had expected that the current administration would take cue from its initial unfair appointments, the nomination/appointment of commissioners and the subsequent assigning of portfolio left us utterly disappointed as there were manifest intent to relegate the Tangale Waja political bloc and the Christian faithful to the backgrounds as out of the 21 commissioners appointed Gombe South had only 6 with only 5 out of the 21 Christians. Moreso, out of the More than 20 aids appointed by his Excellency only a negligible number are Christians and are from Gombe south.

These actions, which were greeted with displeasure from a generality of the people of Tangae Waja also raised a lot of questions in our minds but we still choose to be patient and give His Excellency the benefits of doubts.

However, in view of the events unfolding in our judicial arm of government, that faith we have demonstrated in the Inuwa led administration has not only been betrayed but has been taken for granted by the covert actions of the government to keep marginalizing and relegating the people of Tangale Waja and the Christian faithful to the background of irrelevance in state affairs.

Today it is no longer news that certain entrenched forces within the administration are bent on denying Justice Beatrice from assuming the position of the Chief Judge of the state. And for all intent and purpose their actions and clandestine moves have the sanctions and blessings of His Excellency. Her removal on the flimsy excuses that she cannot be reappointed according to constitutional provisions after the expiration of her three month tenure in acting capacity has been put to a lie by the reappointment of Justice Muazu Pindiga whose acting tenure also expired on the 4th of March, 2020.

With these unfortunate event which smacks of bias, favoritism, religious and ethnic sentiments and obviously sanctioned by His Excellency’s immediate approval of the extension of tenure for Justice Pindiga, we are compelled to ask the following questions.

1.     Why was there an evident foot dragging in pursuing the confirmation of Hon Justice Beatrice as the substantive Chief Judge?  Could it be a function of her faith, tribe or gender?

2.     Why did the powers that be found it necessary to accord Hon. Justice Pindiga the benefits of tenure extension when it could have done to Hon. Justice Beatrice Iliya?

3.     Could it also be that the fact that the next most senior judicial officer in line Hon. Justice Joseph Awak is a Christian informed the lightening speed with which an extension was accorded Hon. Justice Pindiga?

4.     Why are the appointments lopsided and not favourable to the people of Tangale Waja and Christian’s faithful despite the overwhelming support His Excellency enjoyed from the people?

In light of this therefore, We the YOUTH CAN of Billiri LGA condemned in strong terms the attitude of the state Government towards the interests of the people of Tangale Waja and shall through lawful means demand for justice for our people. As such we have agreed to show our dissatisfaction by declaring that today, 9-3-2020. all Christian youths in Billiri LGA to assemble at CAN Centre Billiri dressed in black and to call on the government to look into our complain and grievances. We also wish to declare that on 14-3-2020  all Christian youths in Billiri local government are to pray and fast, put on black dresses to our churches to register our displeasure with what is happening in Gombe.

In conclusion, we wish to state categorically that Gombe State belongs to all of us and we shall stand to demand justice for everyone irrespective of sex, tribe or religion.

God bless Tangale Waja

God bless Gombe StateCAN

God bless Youth CAN Billiri chapter

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