Trump Says ‘Disgraced, Discredited’ Mueller ‘Looking For Trouble’

Russia probe: Trump lawyers 'in talks over Mueller interview'
President Donald Trump
Russia probe: Trump lawyers 'in talks over Mueller interview'
President Donald Trump


U.S. President Donald Trump has warned Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel looking into the alleged Russian meddling in the Nov. 8, 2016 U.S. presidential election, accusing him of “looking for trouble”.

Trump, in a barrage of tweets, also viciously attacked Mueller and his team, whom he tagged “angry Democrats”, over the time they were taking to probe into the alleged Trump’s Campaign collusion with the Russians.

Alleged Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, in which Trump won by Electoral College but lost to Clinton by almost three million popular votes, led to the set-up of the special panel headed by Robert Mueller.

Trump said: “Disgraced and discredited Bob Mueller and his whole group of Angry Democrat Thugs spent over 30 hours with the White House Counsel, only with my approval, for purposes of transparency.

“Anybody needing that much time when they know there is no Russian Collusion is just someone looking for trouble.

“They are enjoying ruining people’s lives and REF– USE to look at the real corruption on the Democrat side – the lies, the firings, the deleted Emails and soooo much more!

“Mueller’s Angry Dems are looking to impact the election. They are a National Disgrace!

“Where’s the Collusion? They made up a phony crime called Collusion, and when there was no Collusion they say there was Obstruction (of a phony crime that never existed).

“If you FIGHT BACK or say anything bad about the Rigged Witch Hunt, they scream Obstruction!”

On Saturday, the White House Counsel were grilled by the Mueller’s team for over 30 hours, and 1.4 million pages of White House documents have been given to the panel.

“I allowed White House Counsel Don McGahn, and all other requested members of the White House Staff, to fully cooperate with the Special Counsel.

“In addition we readily gave over one million pages of documents. Most transparent in history. No Collusion, No Obstruction. Witch Hunt!” Trump said.

The president restated his allegations of bias against the panel, describing it a “rigged and disgusting witch hunt” adding “so many lives have been ruined over nothing – McCarthyism at its WORST! Yet Mueller & his gang of Dems refuse to look at the real crimes on the other side”.

Trump insisted there was no collusion by his campaign but accused his arch rival and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and her party of obstruction.

Trump received 304 electoral votes and Clinton garnered 227 but while Trump polled 62,984,825 or 46.4 per cent of the popular votes, Clinton polled 65,853,516 or 48.5 per cent.

“No Collusion and No Obstruction, except by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. All of the resignations and corruption, yet heavily conflicted Bob Mueller refuses to even look in that direction.

“What about the Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok lies to Congress, or Crooked’s Emails!” Trump tweeted.


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