Against the backdrop of vilolence and conflicts in some parts of Nigeria and media coverage, Nigerian Diplomat, Prof Ibrahim Gambari is tasked to lead discussions at the 10th Wole Soyinka Centre Lecture.which comes up on the 13th July 2018.
The lecture is coming up amidst mounting concerns on the lease of violence on the citizens and the media coverage.
Ibrahim Gambari, Nigerian scholar, diplomat and former Minister for External Affairs, will lead the conversation to discuss the issues with the theme, “Sheathing the drawn daggers: Conversations on investigative reporting and accountability in times of conflict.”
To join Ibrahim Gambari for the discourse are Joe Abah, Nigeria Country Director, DAI Global; Eugenia Abu, Brand and Multimedia Strategy Expert, Columnist and former Executive Director of Programmes, Nigeria Television Authority (NTA); Umaru Pate, Pioneer Dean, Faculty of Communication, Bayero University, Kano; Mnguember Vicky Sylvester, Professor of Literature and Gender Studies, University of Abuja; and Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido, Co-Founder of Whole WoMan Network.
Professor Ibrahim Gambari and others would address the media’s narration of multifarious conflict issues in the country, including the recurrent crisis relating to communities, farmers and herdsmen, Boko Haram, Niger-Delta militancy and the Biafra secession agitations.
Accordind to a statement from the Centre, the discussion has become urgent to contribute to demands for accountability from the government to secure the lives and properties of the people and stop the violence while maintaining the highest ethics of the media.
Held first in 2008, the Wole Soyinka Centre Media Lecture Series is an annual event of the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ). The Centre organises the lecture to raise debate on critical issues affecting Nigeria. It has since 2009 held on 13 July, to commemorate the birthday of Africa’s first Nobel Laureate in Literature and Grand Patron of the WSCIJ, Professor Wole Soyinka.
The statement said admittance to the event is open to journalists, members of security agencies, policy makers, representatives of pressure groups and non-governmental organisations, members of the diplomatic corps, students, lawyers and other members of the public.