Tech Startups in Nigeria Are Living Up To Expectation – Jimoh Oluwatobi Segun

The managing director, NGOPodcast, Jimoh Oluwatobi Segun, spoke with Alli Abiola on technology trends in Nigeria, and how he has successfully contributed more to the growth and development of NGOs featured on his platform. Excerpts:


Gradually, NGO Podcast is carving a niche for herself, what motivations bore this?

Actually, the motivations that bore the NGOpodcast are the works of Non-governmental organizations in my dear country, Nigeria. You will agree with me that we have many non-governmental organizations in the world that are doing pretty fine, but it’s quite unfortunate that the general public barely hear their voice. Most of these NGOs are doing fantastic works in the local community and we at NGOpodcast believe that their voice deserves to be heard by everyone.

We at NGOpodcast are working ceaselessly to becoming an intermediary between NGOs and potential sponsors, donors and lots more.

How do you rate the acceptance of podcasting in Nigeria?

Hmm… I can say that podcasting is really doing well in Nigeria, as we talk; There are over 100podcasts in Nigeria focusing on different niche and they are doing pretty cool. Feel free to check the Nigeria first podcast community on Facebook, “Nigeria Podcast Networks.” The list of podcasts we have will amaze you!

How do you rate the success of NGOs?

Outstanding! NGOs are doing great… Their success rate is of high impact!
NGOs like Eagles Foundation for humanity, AREAi, Sera School Initiatives, We Are MAD initiatives, etc.  Just to mention a few, are the perfect answer to this question. Feel free to listen to my interview with them on NGOpodcast,

Can you say you have contributed to the growth and development of organizations featured on NGO Podcast Show? In what ways?

Yes, I can. Even though NGOpodcast is just 10months old and we’ve been able to feature over 11 NGOs on the show. Some months ago, we were able to link up an NGO we featured on our podcast, that is, WeAREMAD initiative with our partner in Montclair, New Jersey, “HighSchoolNGOConnect”, after the Executive director Steve Mintz listened to our interview with the Founder of the NGO. It is just an indicator for us to keep going.

To establish our partnership and as well as that of the NGO, check this links

We are on the mission to contributing more to the growth and development of NGOs.

Besides podcasting, you are into web development. How do you shuffle both?

Oh Yea… It hasn’t been an easy task to be sincere, I have to attend to my clients, spend hours developing or designing websites… And as well, hours on recording and editing each episode of podcast. As of the time of this interview, There is an episode due for publishing but due to the work load on me, I just have to postpone the publication.

However, No matter how hard it get, it all boils down to the “WHY”, the reason why I started this podcast… So the passion and the WHY, keeps me moving.

What had inspired your involvements within the social sector?

The impact of Non-governmental organizations in the rural communities of the African continent.

Recently, the Federal Government of Nigeria seems to pay attention to start-ups and NGOs, social entrepreneurs. What’s your appraisal of her efforts?

Yes, it’s a good thing, and it will be of great benefits for people in the social sector if the Federal government of Nigeria will TRULY pull this through.

In some public fora, it is believed that Nigeria is still far from harnessing technology. What’s your take on this?

Hmm, not really, Tech Startups in Nigeria are really trying their best to meet up, Oh YES!
Tech startups like Cocreation HubsBudgITNGOpodcastAndela and lots more are doing wonderful things using the Power of Technology. What I will say is that, Nigeria is not there yet, but for sure, we will get there one day!

What are the public problems that matter to you and what do you think is the solution?

Access to Quality Education is the problem that baffles me and matters to me more than any other thing. Quality Education is the key to secure a better future for a Nation; without a quality education to the kids of today, the bright future of the country is not secured. They will end up causing nuisance in the society. The solution is that all hands must be on deck! You and I should play our part.
Blaming the government won’t solve the problem. Yes, Government needs to do theirs too, but we need to do something. If  you have the privilege to send a child in your environment to school, Please do and he/she will forever be grateful, instead of roaming around the street, you have helped in securing a better tomorrow for him or her.

What would be your advice to African youths interested in Corporate Social Responsibility?

Hmmm.. This question was answered by the executive director of Sera School Initiative, Mr Vincent Adeoba, in one of his facebook post, HE said and I quote, “Dear Social Entrepreneur, Solve Your Problem before you solve others.” I believe you can’t solve other’s problem without having yours solved already.

My advice is that African youths should be able to take care of their own responsibility before taking up corporate social responsibility.

What is your biggest achievement?

My biggest achievement was when I gave my live to Christ.

What is your biggest fear and weakness?

Smiles, The fear of growing old… How I wish I can be forever young.

What project are you currently working on and what is your next frontier?

I have many projects on ground for NGOpodcast, I’m sorry I won’t be able to disclose it for now, as we are still trying to put things in place. I will keep you updated!

What would you want the world to know JIMOH OLUWATOBI SEGUN as?

As a nation, that serves as a blessing to others” by contributing my own quota to the betterment of my country and to make the world a better place for living for all.

Thank You once again for the privilege, I really do appreciate it.
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Alli Sheriffdeen Abiola is Web Content Director,



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