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HomeNewsKenya: Offensive in Lamu, Garissa Following Botched Attacks

Kenya: Offensive in Lamu, Garissa Following Botched Attacks

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Nairobi (Kenya) — Security agencies have launched major operations in Lamu and Garissa Counties in pursuit of Al Shabaab terrorists following two failed terror attacks – one on Saturday evening and another on Sunday morning.

In Lamu, Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet says police are pursuing more than 170 Al Shabaab militia who escaped into Boni Forest following a foiled attack on a military camp in Baure area.

During the botched terror attack, Kenyan soldiers killed 11 terrorists while two officers were killed.

“The attack was swiftly and effectively repulsed with the enemy suffering huge casualties,” he said.

In Garissa, the police boss said the militants attempted to attack construction workers at Bula Gulam village but police officers repulsed them.

On Saturday, Boinnet had placed the country on high alert, saying intelligence indicated that Al Shabaab was planning attacks in the country during the Holy month of Ramadhan.

Curled from CapitalFM

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