Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Mundipharma Donates Betadine To Fight Ebola in West Africa

By Longtong Ibrahim

Mundipharma, a network of Pharmaceutical Companies has announced its partnership with Direct Relief to donate supplies of its BETADINE® range of anti-virals to support aid organisation’s efforts to contain the current outbreak of Ebola in West African Countries.

According to a statement made available to Prime news, the partnership will provide more than two million anti-viral hand washes to the Ebola treatment centres of West Africa.

Commenting Mundipharma, Raman Singh, President, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa, said, “Mundipharma is committed to supporting the international aid efforts against Ebola.

We hope that our proactive approach will enable Direct Relief to continue to quickly and efficiently provide important preventative measures in limiting the outbreak of this serious and growing health issue.

“We are very pleased to partner with Mundipharma to continue our relentless efforts to combat Ebola at this crucial time.

Thomas Tighe, Chief Executive Officer of Direct Relief explained that curtailing the further spread of the virus is a fundamental step in our fight against Ebola and providing aid workers, healthcare professionals and the general population with a means to implement proper hand hygiene via Mundipharma’s donations will play an important role in our task.”

The supplies of BETADINE® Surgical Scrub and BETADINE® Scalp & Skin Cleanser donated by Mundipharma are medicated soaps containing povidone iodine, a well- known antiviral, to provide hand disinfection even in areas without access to clean running water.

BETADINE® has also demonstrated strong efficacy against enveloped viruses and sufficient efficacy against non-enveloped viruses and its use to contain the spread of Ebola has already been endorsed by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing.

The donation is one of a number of initiatives currently being implemented by Mundipharma employees globally in a proactive drive to address the rising medical needs of Ebola patients.

Based on World Health Organisation guidelines, hand hygiene is the most important infection prevention and control measure.

This outbreak has spread rapidly through human-to-human transmission causing wide spread concern globally.

According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Ebola virus is frequently found in saliva with evidence stating that close face-to-face contact without adequate personal protective equipment (including eye protection) puts others at moderate risk of acquiring the disease.

Those at higher risk of infection include health workers, family members in close contact with infected people and mourners who have direct contact with the bodies of the deceased as part of burial ceremonies.

The best way to reduce the possibility of contracting the disease is to practice proper hygiene.


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